God, Whom Shall I compare To Thee - A Book Of Jewish Thoughts

God, Whom Shall I compare To Thee - A Book Of Jewish Thoughts

God, Whom Shall I compare To Thee

GOD, whom shall I compare to Thee,

When Thou to none canst likened be?

Under what image shall I dare

To picture Thee, when everywhere

All Nature’s forms Thine impress bear?

Hearts, seeking Thee, from search refrain,

And weary tongues their praise restrain.

Thyself unbound by time and place,

Thou dost pervade, support, embrace

The world and all created space.

Deep, deep beyond all fathoming,

Far, far beyond all measuring,

We can but seek Thy deeds alone;

When bow Thy saints before Thy throne

Then is Thy faithfulness made known.

Thy righteousness we can discern,

Thy holy law proclaim and learn.

Is not Thy presence near alway

To them who penitently pray,

But far from those who sinning stray?

Pure souls behold Thee, and no need

Have they of light: they hear and heed

Thee with the mind’s keen ear, although

The ear of flesh be dull and slow.

Their voices answer to and fro.

Thy holiness for ever they proclaim:

The Lord of Hosts! thrice holy is His name.


(Trans. Alice Lucas.)


GREAT is Truth, and stronger than all things. All the earth calleth upon Truth, and the heaven blesseth her; all works shake and tremble, but with her is no unrighteous thing.... Truth abideth, and is strong for ever; she liveth and conquereth for evermore.... She is the strength, and the kingdom, and the power, and the majesty, of all ages. Blessed be the God of Truth.

1 ESDRAS 4. 35, 36, 38, 40.

TRUTH is the seal of God.


Excerpt From A Book Of Jewish Thoughts Selected And Arranged By The Chief Rabbi - Dr J.H.Hertz 

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