40 Quotes By Menachem Begin - Israel Prime Minister 

40 Quotes By Menachem Begin - Israel Prime Minister 

1. "The Jewish people have always been faithful to the truth." - Menachem Begin

2. "Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth." - Menachem Begin

3. "If an enemy of our people says he seeks peace, let him show it by laying down his arms." - Menachem Begin

4. "There are moments when history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in man's unending search for freedom." - Menachem Begin

5. "The Jewish people had been in exile for 1,900 years and no longer deserved to be martyrs." - Menachem Begin

6. "Israel has created a new image of the Jew in the world—the image of a working and an intellectual people, of a people that can fight with heroism." - Menachem Begin

7. "The fate of Israel depends on two factors: her strength and her rectitude." - Menachem Begin

8. "The Jewish people have been in existence for 4,000 years and no ruler—not king, emperor, or dictator—has stamped out our faith." - Menachem Begin

9. "There exists no politician in Israel daring enough to promise peace to the people." - Menachem Begin

10. "Peace is our goal—peace at any price." - Menachem Begin

11. "I am willing to give even my life for peace." - Menachem Begin

12. "It is in the nature of the Jewish people to be dominated, humiliated, and killed." - Menachem Begin

13. "Israel's security will not be attained by rhetoric, nor by arms alone." - Menachem Begin

14. "The Jewish people have been persecuted for over 2,000 years, but never defeated." - Menachem Begin

15. "I believe that in the long run, separation between Israel and the Palestinians is the best solution for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." - Menachem Begin

16. "Freedom is the oxygen of the soul." - Menachem Begin

17. "The right of self-defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and to individuals." - Menachem Begin

18. "The Jewish people gave the world the Ten Commandments, and world Jewry has given the state of Israel the Ten Commandments of survival." - Menachem Begin

19. "Without moral and intellectual integrity, there can be no leadership." - Menachem Begin

20. "We want peace, but peace with honor—a peace that is based on security for our country and on the independence of our people." - Menachem Begin

21. "He who does not have the courage to speak out against evil, has become its ally." - Menachem Begin

22. "Jewish history has taught us that there is no future for any people who deny their past." - Menachem Begin

23. "If an enemy says he seeks peace, let him prove it by his deeds." - Menachem Begin

24. "When you cast your vote, you do not just make a political choice; you make a moral choice." - Menachem Begin

25. "The most important thing for a leader is to be honest. Without honesty, you don't have anything." - Menachem Begin

26. "We have learned the hard way that our sovereignty is not respected unless we show others that we are prepared to defend it." - Menachem Begin

27. "We don't start wars. We try to prevent them." - Menachem Begin

28. "I always believed that whatever had to be done in the way of sacrifice, I would do without hesitation." - Menachem Begin

29. "The Jewish people have learned the lessons of history better than any other people. We know that we can rely on no one but ourselves." - Menachem Begin

30. "We are not doomed to eternal conflict. We can make peace with our neighbors if they are willing to make peace with us." - Menachem Begin

31. "He who cannot defend himself, cannot protect his friends." - Menachem Begin

32. "We were not put on this earth to suffer and be humiliated." - Menachem Begin

33. "In the Middle East, it is always better to be strong than weak." - Menachem Begin

34. "Israel is the only place in the world where Jews can live as Jews." - Menachem Begin

35. "The Jewish people have always been a light unto the nations." - Menachem Begin

36. "There is no force in the world that can extinguish the flame of Jewish hope." - Menachem Begin

37. "The Jewish people have a right to a homeland in their ancestral land." - Menachem Begin

38. "We have always been a nation of builders, not destroyers." - Menachem Begin

39. "Israel is a small country, but we have a big heart." - Menachem Begin

40. "The struggle for freedom is the noblest of all causes." - Menachem Begin